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Contamos actualmente con más de 3.000 terneros y1.000 vacas de cría, utilizando más de 2.000 hectáreas disponibles.
Create account
Interes: 16.00%
Duración: 6 meses
Min. Inversión: 1000.00
Vencimiento: 6 meses
Interes: 20.00%
Duración: 20 meses
Min. Inversión: 5000.00
Vencimiento: 4 meses
Interes: 42.00%
Duración: 6 meses
Min. Inversión: 300000.00
Vencimiento: 6 meses
Interes: 37.00%
Duración: 3 meses
Min. Inversión: 500000.00
Vencimiento: 3 meses
Interes: 18.00%
Duración: 24 meses
Min. Inversión: 600.00
Vencimiento: 6 meses
See Projects
Como todo ganadero nos gusta saber cuáles son mis animales y como se van desarrollando. Cada inversor tiene sus animales identificados a través de un número conocido como CARAVANA.
A través de la propia producción de cereales, garantizamos el alimento para nuestro ganado y comercializamos de manera directa la Soja, el Maíz, el Trigo y el Girasol, tanto para mercado interno como exportaciones.
Nuestro sistema de alimentación mixto (70% pastura, 30% cereal), empieza con la cría y recría del ternero en base a pastura natural y avena, para luego pasar al engorde a corral a través de la combinación de maíz confinado y núcleos proteicos.
Este sistema nos asegura la calidad de carne premium que queremos tener, con la grasa justa y necesaria.
Surmax lleva adelante la explotación de dos campos en Roque Pérez, Provincia de Buenos Aires. Uno de ellos, de casi 2.000 hectáreas destinado a la cría, recría y cultivo de soja y trigo, y el otro de casi 1.000 hectáreas destinado al engorde a corral (Feed Lot) y al cultivo de maíz para alimentación. El negocio agroganadero permite obtener rentabilidades atractivas las cuales permiten absorber los arrendamientos y ganar dinero.
La venta directa de la carne producto del faenamiento y procesamiento del animal terminado no es un dato menor. Esta integración entre producción, venta directa y exportación es nuestra ventaja competitiva y pilar fundamental para que este negocio sea rentable, eficiente y sustentable en el tiempo.
Livestock investments
Investment period:
Two semi-annual
production cycles
(Since the investor integrates his capital, being able to enter at any time of the year).
Initial investment required:
USD 500 per animal
U$D 25 each 6 month per animal
Agricultural Investments
Investment period:
Two semi-annual
production cycles
(Depending on which of the two periods is entered, it can be started with the wheat campaign, or with the corn campaign).
Initial investment required:
USD 500 per cultivated hectare
U$D 30 each 6 month per hectárea
Enter here
In Our Livestock Investments
and the Agricultural Investments,
we raise funds to apply them to
the production of meat and cereals.
By being vertically integrated, the company assumes 100% of the business risk and ensures a part of the profitability to the investor. In the case of the Livestock Trust, the return reaches 10% per year in dollars, while in the case of the Agricultural Trust, the return reaches 12% per year in dollars.
Our big business is the conversion of the cereal produced into kilos of meat for direct sale to the domestic market and exports. We start with the breeding cow, generating the calf itself, and we reach the end customer with a finished product in a gondola for consumption. This is the main reason why we set the rent to the investor by contract, with the corresponding clauses of livestock insurance and agricultural insurance included in the adhesion.
The profitability, in US dollars above other investments with similar risk and term due to the fact that beef is a product which acts as a commodity.
That is to say, the price has international rates as grains and oil.
Of all agricultural investments, livestock is the one with the lowest risk because it does not depend on the weather. It is safe, quickly available and sustainable.
The money invested is always supported by a tangible, owned asset, easily identifiable: the animal being fed.
Without doubt, livestock is the opportunity to protect our money’s purchasing power and, at the same time, to produce some profit. Opening the road to becoming a real cattle-breeder business person.
The trend for the export of Argentine beef goes on increasing and is consolidating in the international markets.
The livestock activity scenario is more that promising for the next campaigns.
The Surmax professionals count with more than 30 years of experience altogether in the fields and financial markets.
We are ready to give advice on your investment in a safe and profitable way.