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Virtual Investment Platform.

Contamos actualmente con más de 3.000 terneros y1.000 vacas de cría, utilizando más de 2.000 hectáreas disponibles.

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Engorde Stock 2025
Tercera ronda


Interes: 16.00%

Duración: 6 meses

Min. Inversión: 1000.00

Vencimiento: 6 meses

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Expo Mercosur 2025
Contrato Asociativo American Meat


Interes: 20.00%

Duración: 20 meses

Min. Inversión: 5000.00

Vencimiento: 4 meses

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Plazo Fijo Vacuno 180 días 2025


Interes: 42.00%

Duración: 6 meses

Min. Inversión: 300000.00

Vencimiento: 6 meses

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Plazo Fijo Vacuno 90 días 2025


Interes: 37.00%

Duración: 3 meses

Min. Inversión: 500000.00

Vencimiento: 3 meses

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Vaca de Cria 2025


Interes: 18.00%

Duración: 24 meses

Min. Inversión: 600.00

Vencimiento: 6 meses

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Contamos actualmente con más de 3.000 terneros y1.000 vacas de cría, utilizando más de 2.000 hectáreas disponibles.
The process consists of buying and feeding calves between 150 and 180 kg at a rate of 120 animals per lot. There they are fed until they reach the weight between 310 and 330 kg to be before being slaughtered and traded in the form of half- carcasses. At this point, a new business cycle begins which completes the year of investment and the profits are collected.
The process consists of the purchase of agricultural inputs (agrochemicals, fertilizers and seeds) to carry out the tasks of pre-sowing and sowing wheat or corn, depending on the time of year in which it is entered.
Then, at the end of the season, the cereals are harvested and sold in the market.

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of project.

In Our Livestock Investments
and the Agricultural Investments,
we raise funds to apply them to
the production of meat and cereals.


By being vertically integrated, the company assumes 100% of the business risk and ensures a part of the profitability to the investor. In the case of the Livestock Trust, the return reaches 10% per year in dollars, while in the case of the Agricultural Trust, the return reaches 12% per year in dollars.

Our big business is the conversion of the cereal produced into kilos of meat for direct sale to the domestic market and exports. We start with the breeding cow, generating the calf itself, and we reach the end customer with a finished product in a gondola for consumption. This is the main reason why we set the rent to the investor by contract, with the corresponding clauses of livestock insurance and agricultural insurance included in the adhesion.


Any Questions?

What is the minimum investment amount?
The minimum investment amount is USD 500. This value is used for the purchase, feeding and management of each animal unit.
What are the investment terms?
The investment period is 1 year, thus covering the two planned production cycles of fattening and marketing. At the end of the first productive cycle, interest is paid to investors and at the end of the investment period, the invested capital plus the interest corresponding to the second cycle is returned.
Where does the profit come from?
The return comes from the purchase of the calves(170 kg)which will be fattened and marketed when they are 340 kg. The price spread is minimal, but the gain is given in the conversion of kilos of cereal into kilos of meat. In addition, our vertical integration model allows us to produce and reach the end customer with a product in the gondola without intermediation costs. This allows us to ensure the investor a very attractive income in dollars plus the preservation of the purchasing power of capital.
What is the productive model?

Our vertical integration model allows us to cover the production, slaughter, processing and commercialization of bovine cuts.

Production: We are dedicated to the fattening of animals in an intensive system, popularly known as Feedlot, although we apply an “intermediate” mode, supplying the animal with an efficient mix between confined corn and pasture, to ensure the quality of the finished product. Our qualified personnel in the field work every day in health and food controls to monitor the evolution of the animal day by day. Among others, this mixed system guarantees us greater performance and safety to the production process.

Commercialization:With the animal already finished, we continue our value chain with the slaughter, processing and preparation of vacuum packed bovine cuts. With the meat already ready to deliver to the end customer, we develop different lines of business. Wholesale Sales (Own Clients), Retail Sales (Own Boutique Butchers), Commercial Franchises and Exports.

Is it a good time to invest in livestock?
Yes. Livestock has always been recognized as the countryside’s savings account because of its high yields with low risk. Besides, the numbers show constant increases in production and Argentine beef exports (between 2017 and 2018 the increase was 76%).
What are the advantages of entering this type of investment compared to investing dollars in banking products?
The investment products that we offer are in the real economy, that is, capital applied to a business model that produces and markets meat. For the investor, productive investments are exempt from income tax on interest, while investments in financial entities (Example: Fixed Terms, Financial Trusts, Purchase-Sale of Bonds and Shares) pay this tax. On the other hand, with the change of government, the rates that banks pay for fixed-term deposits began to fall sharply, where today they are around 30% per year in pesos and just 2% per year in dollars. At this rate level, banking products lose much appeal, even with real returns below inflation. Finally, investments in sovereign bonds in dollars have a high risk of restructuring in principal and interest payments given current market conditions and the high level of country risk.
What are the risks?
The risks are low since livestock has the advantage of being able to reorganize itself in the face of climatic adversities. On the other hand, constant attention to health and nutritional parameters aiming at the highest performance of our animals. Finally, our company has different insurance policies that guarantee investors the repayment of capital and interest. The emissions of these policies are supported by the manifestation of assets presented by our company (fields, properties, agricultural machinery, others).
Faced with the exchange control scenario, how do you guarantee the investor the return of the money invested in dollars?

Today our company has different sources of dollar income.

In the first place, today we are positioned with approximately 3,000 head of cattle as a result of the flow of monthly investments that will enter the company. In this sense, the company manages these flows, allowing foreign currency to be constantly available, either for the purchase of animals and agricultural inputs, or for rent or capital payments to investors.

Second, our company exports meat to the world with which foreign exchange in volume enters. Although they are settled in the market at the official exchange rate, the exported volume gives us enough cash to access dollars in the alternative markets that exist today to acquire foreign currency. The integrated model that we have gives us that margin to pay a higher price per dollar bought back and continue to earn money.

Third, we contract surety bonds issued in dollars that guarantee the investor the return of capital in the same currency. These policies are issued against real guarantees (fields, properties) that arise from the manifestation of assets of the guarantors.

Fourth, all the products handled by our company are commodities, therefore they maintain a close correlation between their market value and the value of the dollar. This allows us to keep the valuation of the assets constant in line with the value of the North American currency”.

What is the profile of a Target Investor?
More than investors, we are looking for anyone interested in being part of the traditional and profitable livestock chain. Our professionals from the agricultural and financial environment are ready to manage your incorporation into the business.


Contact info


Olazábal 1515 Piso 6 Oficina 611 “B” (1428)
Belgrano – CABA
Buenos Aires

+54 11 3986 3424

+54 9 11 4528-4621